Today I dropped the car off to be serviced. Back when I was a runner, I would leave the car and run the 4.8 miles home, so today I planned to walk the route instead. While I did keep a somewhat fast pace, I couldn’t help but notice the time as the rain went from “drizzle” to “downpour”. Sure enough, if I’d have been running, I would have been home by then. At least when you walk it’s a lot easier to carry an umbrella!
Author Archives: mbars1
Saturday adjustment
It was only a few weeks ago during a long run that I though it would be lovely to simply WALK on a nice sunny day – figure if I walk fast enough & far enough I’d feel just as good as after a long run. NOPE. I went for about 6 miles, but within an hour was getting antsy and needed to get in a hard 4200 yard swim (lots of butterfly!) before I could feel relaxed for the day. I really needed it since we had dinner a great restaurant and felt I needed to “earn” it first.
Jeff, of course, had no such issue. He’s taken on the position of “runner’ in the family and did the Hot Chocolate 15k!
Day 4 – Almost cheated already
I’m blaming it on the neighbor’s kid. He was the one who got a head start on the way to school, prompting Sam to chase him down for the entire 1/2 mile. I got about 6 steps into racing with Sam when I realized what I was doing and skidded to a halt. Secure in the knowledge that our crossing guard would stop Sam and have him wait at the corner I put my speed walking skills (not much there) into gear and did the best I could. Needless to say, we never caught the neighbor.
3000 yard swim today. I’m still in “rest” mode, at least until the blisters clear off the feet.
3 days down, 362 to go!
Seeing as it’s only been about 72 hours since my last marathon, this “year without running” plan is going great! No cheating yet. Of course, no real exercise at all yet, unless trick-or-treating counts.