I’m no Yogi

27 Apr

Yoga.  YOGA.  YYYYOOOOOGGGGGAAAA.  Admit it – it’s a fun word to say.  Of, course as with most things in life, it is much easier said than done.  See, I’ve always been a “mover” with my exercise.  Running, swimming, biking – always going somewhere (or at least pretending to with the assistance of treadmills & wind trainers).  For me if I’m not putting some distance into a workout it must not be happening.  This attitude is part of why I’ve taken on the challenge of going for a year without running.  While I understood the wisdom behind weight training, stretching & ab work I was skipping it in favor of running more miles.  Even though I knew it would be better for my body to skip the jog once in a while and pick up some weights I still couldn’t bring myself to do it until I went cold turkey.

So, here I am almost six months into my year and I’m feeling pretty good so far.  I’m almost done with week 11 of the P90X program and while I’ve usually supplemented with some extra cardio time (power walking, eliptical or swimming), there have actually been days when I’ve skipped that little bonus and been fine with it.  However, when it comes to yoga I am still having a very hard time with my patience.  Again – I KNOW this stuff is good for me, I KNOW I should be faithful to it, but why, why, WHY does it have to take so long?  And what exactly is wrong with me as I struggle to achieve and hold poses, shaking & sweating while the thought in my head is “How much longer until I can work out?”.

I understand that part of yoga is being able to let go and focus on the moment, your breathing, or simply staying upright – but I am always watching the clock.  Usually by the time the video gets to “corpse” and “fetal” position I am downright kicking to actually move and worse that any sugar-spiked 2-year old in my ability to just lie still.  It’s about then that I’ve given up & I’m tying the shoes and flipping the switch on the treadmill.  Of course, hours later my shoulders will still be feeling the effects of the MANY vinyasas, upward & downward dogs and I will be reminded of why I force myself through it – but this still doesn’t seem to help for the next time.  So, while I may not appreciate the process of a yoga session itself, I can certainly appreciate the after-effects.  And the clothes.  What’s not to love about such comfy outfits?

Keep on moving…..or holding that balance pose.


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Posted by on April 27, 2012 in Uncategorized


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