Dream a little dream

13 Dec

It was a sunny day, light breeze, temps in lower 70s.  Who could resist such a day to be outside?  And there I was – striding along down the street at about a 7 minute mile (this is a dream, after all), sunlight dappling through the trees.  I get about a mile or two along before I remember it’s my “year off” challenge.  Oops.  Fortunately it was just a dream, but something tells me I better not test out any Ambien pills for the next 11 months.

All in all, this “no running” thing is going, well, swimmingly.  That is to say, getting in some regular swims is helping to keep my weight and my moods in check.  (Any stress out is purely cookie based right now.)  I’ve been getting in regular sessions on the eliptical machine, plus playing with the free weights that normally serve as simply decor for me.  This is 5 times per week, and 3-5 days a week I’ll swim as well.  The twist is that on Saturdays, I swim long to replace my long run days.  Instead of the 3000-4000 yards that I tackle during the week, I’m taking on 6000-7000, depending on how long I can stay there.

The swimming and the fact that winter weather is settling keeps me from itching for a run.  Let’s cross fingers for another cold, wet spring!

This week I plan to step out of my comfort zone and try a Zumba class.  Look for my whines & complaints about sore muscles and lack of coordination here next.

Keep moving, any way you can!

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Posted by on December 13, 2011 in Uncategorized


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